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Purchase tickets here: https://czigmeister.ecwid.com/Game-Day-Gourmet-Super-Bowl-Charcuterie-Class-p616160459

Date: Sunday, February 11th, 2023

Time: 12-1pm | Please arrive early to grab your beers. Instruction begins at 12pm.

Fromage will provide:

– Bakery box to contain your to-go charcuterie board

– An assortment of artisanal cheeses and meats to slice and arrange

– Accompaniments like fresh and dried fruit, crackers, honey, candies/sweets and décor

– Knife and cutting board to be used during workshop only

– A take-home list of everything used for you to recreate your board

*PRE-PURCHASED TICKETS ARE REQUIRED for this event, any questions please call 908-269-8129

Cancellation Policy:

ALL SALES ARE FINAL FOR THIS EVENT. In the event that you cannot attend, you may send someone else in your place. Please give us a call to confirm the change in your attendance, 908-269-8129